From Ines and Annalisa
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Monday, May 24, 2010
Mystery 10: solved
Ines, Annalisa and Serena tried to solve Mistery 10. Is it correct?
The greek poet who cites "nowan" in history is Homerus.
This poem is from Sappho. This is the translation in our language.
"C'è chi dice sia un esercito di cavalieri, c'è chi dice sia un esercito di fanti,
c'è chi dice sia una flotta di navi, la cosa più bella
sulla nera terra, io invece dico
che è ciò che si ama"
Love is a sentiment that has no limits or boundaries, any obstacle in the immensity and relax. 's Love, the most beautiful feelings, the one that warms the heart in the gray days of life who listens to you when you fear Him who knows when you hug of Endearment, shut inside the heart that one reaches the indefinite every heartbeat .. love is first of all feel one with the other to reach a cosmic balance where stars can be touched with the fingers and dreams come true .. Love is one of the most beautiful feelings never die.
Sonnet 24
Mine eye hath played the painter
Mine eye hath play'd the painter and hath stell'd
Thy beauty's form in table of my heart;
My body is the frame wherein 'tis held,
And perspective it is the painter's art.
For through the painter must you see his skill,
To find where your true image pictured lies;
Which in my bosom's shop is hanging still,
That hath his windows glazed with thine eyes.
Now see what good turns eyes for eyes have done:
Mine eyes have drawn thy shape, and thine for me
Are windows to my breast, where-through the sun
Delights to peep, to gaze therein on thee;
Yet eyes this cunning want to grace their art;
They draw but what they see, know not the heart.
~ William Shakespeare ~
The greek poet who cites "nowan" in history is Homerus.
This poem is from Sappho. This is the translation in our language.
"C'è chi dice sia un esercito di cavalieri, c'è chi dice sia un esercito di fanti,
c'è chi dice sia una flotta di navi, la cosa più bella
sulla nera terra, io invece dico
che è ciò che si ama"
Love is a sentiment that has no limits or boundaries, any obstacle in the immensity and relax. 's Love, the most beautiful feelings, the one that warms the heart in the gray days of life who listens to you when you fear Him who knows when you hug of Endearment, shut inside the heart that one reaches the indefinite every heartbeat .. love is first of all feel one with the other to reach a cosmic balance where stars can be touched with the fingers and dreams come true .. Love is one of the most beautiful feelings never die.
Sonnet 24
Mine eye hath played the painter
Mine eye hath play'd the painter and hath stell'd
Thy beauty's form in table of my heart;
My body is the frame wherein 'tis held,
And perspective it is the painter's art.
For through the painter must you see his skill,
To find where your true image pictured lies;
Which in my bosom's shop is hanging still,
That hath his windows glazed with thine eyes.
Now see what good turns eyes for eyes have done:
Mine eyes have drawn thy shape, and thine for me
Are windows to my breast, where-through the sun
Delights to peep, to gaze therein on thee;
Yet eyes this cunning want to grace their art;
They draw but what they see, know not the heart.
~ William Shakespeare ~
What do you know about Athens in the Roman Period? (Cameo)
This post I'm adding is a special collaboration from a special eTwinner: Alexandra Melista from Athens! If you want to know more, please read it and have a look at the ppsx presentation about Hadrian's gate Greek pupils made.
Everybody knows about Athens in the classical period. How many people know about the city’s history in the Roman period? What do you know about the city’s plan and monuments in this era? How has the architecture of those monuments influenced modern constructions? Which Athenian monument do Vitruvius and Varro mention in their works? How is the so-called “Romanization process” reflected on the city plan and the monuments? What are its particular characteristics? What happened in 267 AD in Athens?
Imago urbis is a web quest e-twinning project about the different types of urban settlements in the Roman Empire (Italy and provinces). Written sources, mainly in Latin, are taken into account in order for the students to reflect on the connection between language and civilization. Our school (Πειραματικό Λύκειο Αγίων Αναργύρων, Athens) prepared a series of power point presentations. We have attempted to give background knowledge about the roman conquest in the Greek world and present the most important monuments in Athens in this particular era.
Students worked in teams, collected and evaluated the web material focused mainly on history and archaeology. They compared the information they gathered with the results of the research published in journals and books. They located Latin authors, who have mentioned in their work certain Athenian monuments, and they searched for English translations and lists of architecture terminology in Latin. They tried to combine texts and photos, process maps or ground plans and form concise texts in English including all information a student of their age would need to know about the topic. At the same time, they tried to guess and answer all questions a student, who does not know much about Roman Athens, would have.
You can have a look at our power point archives in this address: you will also have the opportunity to check your knowledge with the games we have created.
Here is the power point presentation of one of the most emblematic Roman period monuments in Athens, still standing in the modern city’s center, the Gate of Hadrian:
Alexandra Melista (Πειραματικό Λύκειο Αγίων Αναργύρων, Athens)
This is a work of the eTwinning project Imago urbis.
Everybody knows about Athens in the classical period. How many people know about the city’s history in the Roman period? What do you know about the city’s plan and monuments in this era? How has the architecture of those monuments influenced modern constructions? Which Athenian monument do Vitruvius and Varro mention in their works? How is the so-called “Romanization process” reflected on the city plan and the monuments? What are its particular characteristics? What happened in 267 AD in Athens?
Imago urbis is a web quest e-twinning project about the different types of urban settlements in the Roman Empire (Italy and provinces). Written sources, mainly in Latin, are taken into account in order for the students to reflect on the connection between language and civilization. Our school (Πειραματικό Λύκειο Αγίων Αναργύρων, Athens) prepared a series of power point presentations. We have attempted to give background knowledge about the roman conquest in the Greek world and present the most important monuments in Athens in this particular era.
Students worked in teams, collected and evaluated the web material focused mainly on history and archaeology. They compared the information they gathered with the results of the research published in journals and books. They located Latin authors, who have mentioned in their work certain Athenian monuments, and they searched for English translations and lists of architecture terminology in Latin. They tried to combine texts and photos, process maps or ground plans and form concise texts in English including all information a student of their age would need to know about the topic. At the same time, they tried to guess and answer all questions a student, who does not know much about Roman Athens, would have.
You can have a look at our power point archives in this address: you will also have the opportunity to check your knowledge with the games we have created.
Here is the power point presentation of one of the most emblematic Roman period monuments in Athens, still standing in the modern city’s center, the Gate of Hadrian:
Alexandra Melista (Πειραματικό Λύκειο Αγίων Αναργύρων, Athens)
This is a work of the eTwinning project Imago urbis.
10 gate of_hadrian
View more presentations from paolina70.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
A special Travel Agency ...
Monday, May 10, 2010
The newest version of "In Schola"!!!
Pupils from Liceo "Quinto Orazio Flacco" have made a wonderful and superb version of "In Schola quando sumus" with Rihanna's music. Listen to that incredible version!
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answers to mystery five
Hi, we are Héctor, Juanjo, Gemma, Carmen and Aurora.From seconds bach.we have tried to solve this mystery. We hope it's ok.
Discovering spot
Mystery one:
mala mulieres mulieres meae
The peddler is selling apples.
Mystery two
audi: The company name is based on the surname of the founder August Horch, the name itself an English cognate with the English word "hark", meaning listen — which when translated into Latin, becomes Audi.
We think, this spot could be related to Cadmus and "Spartes". By the instructions of Athena, Cadmus sowed the dragon's teeth in the ground, from which there sprang a race of fierce armed men, called Spartes ("sown"). By throwing a stone among them, Cadmus caused them to fall upon one another until only five survived, who assisted him to build the Cadmeia or citadel of Thebes, and became the founders of the noblest families of that city. This is the onlly myth I found with a generation of similar beings.
Mystery three:
All Italian cities that runs in this video show images of monuments from Classical, Renaissance or Neo-classical periods, or Galleries where you can find Roman pictures, sculptures or things with classical references:
Classical:Colosseo (Roma),Foro Romano, Valley of Temples (Agrigento)
Renaissance and Galleries:Duomo (Firenze), Santa María Salute (Venezia), San Antonio (Padova), Pisa, Piazza San Pedro (Roma), fontana quattro fiumi (Roma), Chiesa Sant'Agnese (Roma), Galeria Borromini (Roma) palazzo Spada (Roma), Museo Bargello (Firenze), Galeria Borghese (Roma), Palacio Altemps, Galeria Uffizzi (Firenze)
Neoclassical:piazza San marco (Venezia)
We think, music is choosen by the last image, the Primavera from Botticelli, with Venus in the middle of the picture. The music is Spring, from Vivaldi.
Discovering spot
Mystery one:
mala mulieres mulieres meae
The peddler is selling apples.
Mystery two
audi: The company name is based on the surname of the founder August Horch, the name itself an English cognate with the English word "hark", meaning listen — which when translated into Latin, becomes Audi.
We think, this spot could be related to Cadmus and "Spartes". By the instructions of Athena, Cadmus sowed the dragon's teeth in the ground, from which there sprang a race of fierce armed men, called Spartes ("sown"). By throwing a stone among them, Cadmus caused them to fall upon one another until only five survived, who assisted him to build the Cadmeia or citadel of Thebes, and became the founders of the noblest families of that city. This is the onlly myth I found with a generation of similar beings.
Mystery three:
All Italian cities that runs in this video show images of monuments from Classical, Renaissance or Neo-classical periods, or Galleries where you can find Roman pictures, sculptures or things with classical references:
Classical:Colosseo (Roma),Foro Romano, Valley of Temples (Agrigento)
Renaissance and Galleries:Duomo (Firenze), Santa María Salute (Venezia), San Antonio (Padova), Pisa, Piazza San Pedro (Roma), fontana quattro fiumi (Roma), Chiesa Sant'Agnese (Roma), Galeria Borromini (Roma) palazzo Spada (Roma), Museo Bargello (Firenze), Galeria Borghese (Roma), Palacio Altemps, Galeria Uffizzi (Firenze)
Neoclassical:piazza San marco (Venezia)
We think, music is choosen by the last image, the Primavera from Botticelli, with Venus in the middle of the picture. The music is Spring, from Vivaldi.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
A Latin class (Collaboration)
Carlos Cabanillas Núñez is a one of the best teachers of Latin you can find in Spain. He is working for several years in renewal of Classical Languages methodology, incorporating the use of New Technologies in the classroom. His Curriculum is very extensive, but I'd like quote his contribution to foundation of Chiron, important group dedicated to promove the classical world on the net.
First, I would like to thanks Angel L. Gallego for inviting me to participate in this blog, what I'll do with great pleasure.
I will show some things we do in the Latin 4th ESO at IES Santiago Apostol from Almendralejo.
In our class we give great importance to the development of oral expression. We think, if you can express correctly to any audience you will be able to obtain personal and professional success. However, we see that orality is seldom used in our classrooms.
In addition, we thin
k we have to learn Latin in a active way, using and talking it.
So, during this course we have made a number of activities to practice speaking. Here you have a short review:
1. Students have done many work expositions. They have always been teamwork, and the exhibition was supported by presentations: The structure of the buildings of Entertainment, The Roman Empire.
2.. We have also dramatizations of small dialogues in Latin, and have recorded on video some of them: Gloria et Paulus, In saevitia amphitheater.
3. We have made small recording podcast, interviewing some Roman poets: Interview with Horace, Ovid interview.
We hope that some of the work are interesting for you. To ask any question you like, we are at your disposal in Hic laboramus, the workspace of Latin students from IES Santiago Apostol.
curate ut valeatis
First, I would like to thanks Angel L. Gallego for inviting me to participate in this blog, what I'll do with great pleasure.
I will show some things we do in the Latin 4th ESO at IES Santiago Apostol from Almendralejo.
In our class we give great importance to the development of oral expression. We think, if you can express correctly to any audience you will be able to obtain personal and professional success. However, we see that orality is seldom used in our classrooms.
In addition, we thin

So, during this course we have made a number of activities to practice speaking. Here you have a short review:
1. Students have done many work expositions. They have always been teamwork, and the exhibition was supported by presentations: The structure of the buildings of Entertainment, The Roman Empire.

3. We have made small recording podcast, interviewing some Roman poets: Interview with Horace, Ovid interview.
We hope that some of the work are interesting for you. To ask any question you like, we are at your disposal in Hic laboramus, the workspace of Latin students from IES Santiago Apostol.
curate ut valeatis
Carlos Cabanillas Núñez
Latin Teacher, ies "Santiago Apóstol", Almendralejo
Latin Teacher, ies "Santiago Apóstol", Almendralejo
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Petasum relinquere potes (You can leave your hat on Joe Cocker)
Enjoy with this sugestive song... subtitled in Latin
An Etwinning Tile
Manuel Díaz Escalera made a "etwinning tile" for the 5th birthday of etwinning in his blog Have fun with simple experiments.
Thanks for sharing this video with us, Manuel.
Thanks for sharing this video with us, Manuel.
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