Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Friday, March 26, 2010
The cup of Tantalus (ET- cameo)
We asked some fellows in Etwinning projects that make us a post with classical references into our blog. Manuel Diaz Escalera, Etwinning Prize 2010, is the first, with his marvellous experiment "The cup of Tantalus".
The cup of Tantalus is never filled. Tantalus, son of Zeus, got a the cruel punishment, according to Greek mythology. His punishment was to be in a lake with water up to his chin, under a tree with low branches full of fruit. Whenever Tantalus, desperating of hunger or thirst, tries to choose a fruit or sip some water, branches and water immediately move away.
The cup of Tantalus is a siphon. When filling the glass is also filled rubber tube (the short arm). When the water reaches the top of the rubber tube begins to fall for the long arm dragging the fluid inside the rubber tube. The level goes down until the orifice tube.
You can see in Spanish here.
The cup of Tantalus is never filled. Tantalus, son of Zeus, got a the cruel punishment, according to Greek mythology. His punishment was to be in a lake with water up to his chin, under a tree with low branches full of fruit. Whenever Tantalus, desperating of hunger or thirst, tries to choose a fruit or sip some water, branches and water immediately move away.
The cup of Tantalus is a siphon. When filling the glass is also filled rubber tube (the short arm). When the water reaches the top of the rubber tube begins to fall for the long arm dragging the fluid inside the rubber tube. The level goes down until the orifice tube.
You can see in Spanish here.
Solved mystery and new challenge by Aranza
Some answers to the aenigma "My favourite fairy" have been given by Aranza (IES Cotes Baixes- SPAIN). See her nice post here.
You can complete it if you want!!
Aranza also started a collaborative history based on one of the characters of the WINX inspired on Ancient Greek Mythology. See the discussion "The new history of Flora" at our Social Network, please!
She already wrote a message to one of Angel's pupils asking him to continue.
Pay attention, you can be chosen the next!
You can complete it if you want!!
Aranza also started a collaborative history based on one of the characters of the WINX inspired on Ancient Greek Mythology. See the discussion "The new history of Flora" at our Social Network, please!
She already wrote a message to one of Angel's pupils asking him to continue.
Pay attention, you can be chosen the next!
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Mystery 3 has been solved!
Lourdes and Daniel from IES "Vegas Bajas" have perfectly solved Mistery 3! I'm very, very glad for their work. Their answer is right and complete. I can only say: BRAVISSIMI.
teatro trajano
Answer to mystery 3
Hello!!! We are Daniel and lourdes from IES Vegas Bajas
Mystery 1
1 This song seems a little ancient: do you know when it's born?
This song belongs to Carmina Burana, a scenic cantata composed by Carl Orff between 1935 and 1936. It is based on 24 of the poems found in the medieval collection Carmina Burana.
2 Who has published it more recently? In which collection?
In 1991, a group named Apotheosis produced a heavily resampled version of O Fortuna. The estate of Carl Orff (Orff had died in 1982, 9 years prior) considering it was undignified that the Carmina Burana be reworked into popular culture, immediately and successfully sued to stop the distribution of the record.[10][11] Therefore, it cannot be bought new in any record.
There are a number of ballet interpretations. David Bintley, director of the Birmingham Royal Ballet, created a ballet for the company, with designs by Philip Prowse. This was premiered on the 27th September 1995 at the Birmingham Hippodrome. The Australian Ballet have a production, choreographed by Natalie Weir, with designs by Dan Potra. This was premiered in 2001, and the work is performed with a full opera chorus as an integral part of the setting. Lynne Taylor-Corbett adapted the music to a completely different story premiered by Carolina Ballet in 2002, a Wall Street setting following a lottery winner lured into murky insider trading deals and wild parties, all the while ignoring his wife (growing away from him) and daughter (growing up before he notices). His spectacular (and quite literal) fall from the heights brings the story—like the music—back to the beginning, with fortune this time favoring another.
Harvey Hysell director of Ballet Hysell of New Orleans, LA choreographed a ballet entitled "Carmina Burana" performed by Ballet Hysell at Delgado Community College in New Orleans in 1990 or so accompanied by live music using ancient instruments for the piece.
Trans-Siberian Orchestra, headed up by Paul O'Neill, has been performing "O Fortuna" as part of their touring Christmas shows for several years now, and has now included a studio recording of their rendition on their most recent album Night Castle .
Hal Leonard Corporation presents a Schott publication: "Carmina Burana, Five movements for ten wind players". This product contains music composed by Carl Orff and arranged by Friedrich K. Wanek. Included: I. Fortune plango vulnera, II. In trutina, III. Tanz, IV. Amor Volat undique, V. In taberna.
Excerpts, especially the opening and finale number O Fortuna, have been widely used in numerous movie trailers and in various other commercials. Portions also appear as background music in the films " Excalibur" and " The Doors", and sampled in the CD Screen Behind the Mirror by Enigma.
3 Could you look for the words of this song and try to translate them in your language?
In taberna quando sumus,
non curamus quid sit humus,
sed ad ludum properamus,
cui semper insudamus.
Quid agatur in taberna
ubi nummus est pincerna,
hoc est opus ut queratur,
si quid loquar, audiatur.
Quidam ludunt, quidam bibunt,
quidam indiscrete vivunt.
Sed in ludo qui morantur,
ex his quidam denudantur
quidam ibi vestiuntur,
quidam saccis induuntur.
Ibi nullus timet mortem
sed pro Baccho mittunt sortem.
Primo pro nummata vini,
ex hac bibunt libertini;
semel bibunt pro captivis,
post hec bibunt ter pro vivis,
quater pro Christianis cunctis
quinquies pro fidelibus defunctis,
sexies pro sororibus vanis,
septies pro militibus silvanis.
Octies pro fratribus perversis,
nonies pro monachis dispersis,
decies pro navigantibus
undecies pro discordantibus,
duodecies pro penitentibus,
tredecies pro iter agentibus.
Tam pro papa quam pro rege
bibunt omnes sine lege.
Bibit hera, bibit herus,
bibit miles, bibit clerus,
bibit ille, bibit illa,
bibit servus cum ancilla,
bibit velox, bibit piger,
bibit albus, bibit niger,
bibit constans, bibit vagus,
bibit rudis, bibit magus.
Bibit pauper et egrotus,
bibit exul et ignotus,
bibit puer, bibit canus,
bibit presul et decanus,
bibit soror, bibit frater,
bibit anus, bibit mater,
bibit ista, bibit ille,
bibunt centum, bibunt mille.
Parum sexcente nummate
durant, cum immoderate
bibunt omnes sine meta.
Quamvis bibant mente leta,
sic nos rodunt omnes gentes
et sic erimus egentes.
Qui nos rodunt confundantur
et cum iustis non scribantur.
Cuando estamos en la taberna
nos despreocupamos del mundo,
nos entregamos al juego
y por él siempre sudamos.
La cuestión es ésta: que se pregunte
qué se hace en la taberna
donde el dinero es camarero,
escúchese lo que digo.
Unos juegan, otros beben,
otros de forma indiscreta viven.
Pero de los que se dedican a jugar
unos allí pierden su ropa,
otros consiguen vestirse,
otros se visten con saco.
Nadie allí teme a la muerte
y por Baco tientan la suerte.
Monedas para la primera copa de vino,
de ella bebe el libertino,
beben la segunda por los cautivos,
despues de éstas la tercera por los vivos,
la cuarta por todos los cristianos,
la quinta por los fieles difuntos,
la sexta por las monjas casquivanas,
la septima por los soldados silvanos,
la octava por los frailes perversos,
la novena por los monjes dispersos,
la décima por los navegantes,
la undécima por los discordantes,
La duodécima por los penitentes,
la decimotercera por los los caminantes.
Tanto por el papa como por el rey
beben ya todos sin ley.
Beben la dueña y el dueño,
bebe el soldado, bebe el religioso,
bebe el hombre, bebe la mujer,
bebe el siervo con la criada,
bebe el rápido y el lento,
bebe el blanco, bebe el negro
bebe el constante, bebe el vago,
bebe el campesino, bebe el mago.
Bebe el pobre y el doliente,
bebe el desterrado y el ignorado,
bebe el joven, bebe el viejo,
beben el prelado y el decano.
Bebe la herrmana, bebe el hermano,
bebe la vieja, bebe la madre,
bebe ella, bebe él,
beben ciento, beben mil.
Poco duran seiscientas monedas
cuando se bebe sin moderación.
Beben todos sin final, aunque
beban con mente alegre.
Así nos fastidian todas las gentes
y así seremos pobres.
Que los que nos fastidian se vean
confundidos y no sean tenidos por justos.
4 What's their meaning?
It describes the atmosphere of a tavern of the time with people risking even the clothes they wear, carefree life's problems and making humorous toast to all social classes, ending dicendo they do what they like and stop others from getting in their lives and their way of sharing their leisure.
5 Do you know other similar songs (carmina)?
Carmina amatoria poem 56
Ianus annum circinat,
ver estatem nuntiat
calcat Phebus ungula,
dum in Taurum flectitur,
Arietis repagula.
Amor cuncta superat,
Amor dura terebrat.
Procul sint omnia
sollemnizent Veneris gymnasia!
decet iocundari,
quos militare contigit
Dioneo lari.
Amor cuncta superat,
Amor dura terebrat.
Dum alumnus Palladis
Cytheree scolam
introissem, inter multas
bene cultas
vidi unam solam
ac Veneri
plenam elegantie
et magis pudibundam.
Amor cuncta superat,
Amor dura terebrat.
Differentem omnibus
amo differenter.
novus ignis in me furit
et adurit
nulla magis nobilis,
pulchra vel amabilis,
nulla minus mobilis,
infronita reperitur
vel fide mutabilis.
eius letum vivere
est meum delectari.
diligi si merear,
hoc meum est beari.
Vincit Amor omnia,
regit Amor omnia.
Parce, puer, puero!
fave, Venus, tenero,
ignem movens,
ignem fovens,
ne mori sit, quod vixero,
nec sit ut Daphnes Phebo,
cui me ipsum dedo!
olim tiro Palladis
nunc tuo iuri cedo.
Vincit Amor omnia,
regit Amor omnia.
Carmina potoria 187
O curas hominum,
quos curat curia!
o quorum studia
non habent terminum!
talium si fidem
Pylades Atridem;
alter enim Theseus
suum fastidit Thesea,
ubi regnat Proteus
et Fati ludit alea.
Ab aula principis,
si nichil habeas,
oportet abeas.
spem vanam concipis,
tenuis fortuna.
ad commoda
omnium mens una:
a quo nil emungitur,
opus perdit et operam;
quod «habenti dabitur»,
tenent omnes ad litteram.
In levum vertitur
censure levitas.
fracta severitas
danti reimttitur.
explicas decreta
ad libitum,
si sonitum
dederit moneta.
plenis ere sacculis
rei pena diluitur.
locum dic a loculis,
unde locus si queritur.
Honorum titulis
carens ambitio
cum ficto gaudio
pretendit singulis
osculum amoris;
sed eminet,
cum obtinet
baculum pastoris.
quos mens intus clauserat,
mores ostentat libere;
quod occultum fuerat,
verbo prodit et opere.
Indignos allici
verbis alliciunt,
dolose capiunt
nummosos aulici;
sed hi, quos invadunt,
per retia
similes evadunt.
donum Sancti Spiritus
sic venit iam Simonibus.
conformatur penitus,
si danda fides canibus.
Mystery 2
1 Angelo Branduardi is singing a song which presents some words of a famous carmen, written by an important Latin poet. Which is it?
Catullo, - Poem 5.1
2 Look for the words of this carmen and translate it in your language. Then give a short explanation using also some pictures
Ille mi par... esse deo videtur
Ille si fas... est superare divos
Ille mi par
par esse deo videtur.
Ille si fas
est superare divos.
Sedens adversus identidem
te spectat et audit
dulce ridentem
misero quod omnis
eripit sensus mihi...
Nam simul te
te Lesbia aspexi
nihil est super mihi
tum quoque vocis
lingua sed torpet...
Tenuis sub artus
fiamma demanat
sonitu suopte...
Par esse deo videtur...
Tintinnant aures
gemina teguntur
lumina nocte.
Mi pare un dio quello che siede accanto a te.
occhi negli occhi, dolcemente tu ridi...
Ed io mi sento morire, se ti guardo io,
al mio cuore la voce manca...
Aquél me parece ser un dios,
Aquél, si no es una impiedad,
Me parece superar a lo dioses,
El que, sentado frente a vos, constantemente
Te observa y escucha tu dulce reír.
Miserable, esto desgarra todos mis sentidos,
Pues tan pronto como te veo, Lesbia,
Nada resta de mí.
La lengua se entorpece,
Una tenue llama fluye por debajo de los miembros,
Los oídos tintinean con su propio sonido,
Las lámparas gemelas de mi rostro se cubren con noche.
El ocio, Catulo, te molesta,
Con el ocio te regocijas y te alegras demasiado:
El ocio, otrora, perdió a reyes y prósperas ciudades.

Catullus is burning with anger at the sight of Lesbia with her husband, and he invades a deep malaise.

3 Do you know which Greek poem is related with this? Look for it and try to compare the two poems.
Safo, 1.2
φάινεταί μοι κῆνοσ ἴσοσ τηέοισιν
ἔμμεν ὤνερ ὄστισ ἐναντίοσ τοι
ἰζάνει καὶ πλασίον ἀδυ
φωνεύσασ ὐπακούει
καὶ γαλαίσασ ἰμμερόεν τὸ δὴ ᾽μάν
καρδίαν ἐν στήθεσιν ἐπτόασεν,
ὠσ γὰρ εὔιδον βροχέωσ σε, φώνασ
οὐδὲν ἔτ᾽ ἔικει,
ἀλλὰ κάμ μὲν γλῳσσα ϝέαγε, λέπτον
δ᾽ αὔτικα χρῷ πῦρ ὐπαδεδρόμακεν,
ὀππάτεσσι δ᾽ οὐδὲν ορημ᾽,
ἐπιρρόμβεισι δ᾽ ἄκουαι.
ἀ δέ μ᾽ ί᾽δρωσ κακχέεται, τρόμοσ δὲ
παῖσαν ἄγρει χλωροτέρα δὲ ποίασ
ἔμμι, τεθνάκην δ᾽ ὀλιγω ᾽πιδεύϝην
φαίνομαι [ἄλλα].
πᾶν τόλματον [......]
That one seems to me the equal of the gods, who sits in thy presence and hears near him thy sweet voice and lovely laughter; that indeed makes my heart beat fast in my bosom. For when I see thee even a little I am bereft of utterance, my tongue is useless and at once a subtle fire races under my skin, my eyes see nothing, my ears ring, sweat pours forth and all my body is seized with trembling. I am paler than [dried] grass and seem in my madness little better than dead, but I must dare all ...
Mystery 1
1 This song seems a little ancient: do you know when it's born?
This song belongs to Carmina Burana, a scenic cantata composed by Carl Orff between 1935 and 1936. It is based on 24 of the poems found in the medieval collection Carmina Burana.
2 Who has published it more recently? In which collection?
In 1991, a group named Apotheosis produced a heavily resampled version of O Fortuna. The estate of Carl Orff (Orff had died in 1982, 9 years prior) considering it was undignified that the Carmina Burana be reworked into popular culture, immediately and successfully sued to stop the distribution of the record.[10][11] Therefore, it cannot be bought new in any record.
There are a number of ballet interpretations. David Bintley, director of the Birmingham Royal Ballet, created a ballet for the company, with designs by Philip Prowse. This was premiered on the 27th September 1995 at the Birmingham Hippodrome. The Australian Ballet have a production, choreographed by Natalie Weir, with designs by Dan Potra. This was premiered in 2001, and the work is performed with a full opera chorus as an integral part of the setting. Lynne Taylor-Corbett adapted the music to a completely different story premiered by Carolina Ballet in 2002, a Wall Street setting following a lottery winner lured into murky insider trading deals and wild parties, all the while ignoring his wife (growing away from him) and daughter (growing up before he notices). His spectacular (and quite literal) fall from the heights brings the story—like the music—back to the beginning, with fortune this time favoring another.
Harvey Hysell director of Ballet Hysell of New Orleans, LA choreographed a ballet entitled "Carmina Burana" performed by Ballet Hysell at Delgado Community College in New Orleans in 1990 or so accompanied by live music using ancient instruments for the piece.
Trans-Siberian Orchestra, headed up by Paul O'Neill, has been performing "O Fortuna" as part of their touring Christmas shows for several years now, and has now included a studio recording of their rendition on their most recent album Night Castle .
Hal Leonard Corporation presents a Schott publication: "Carmina Burana, Five movements for ten wind players". This product contains music composed by Carl Orff and arranged by Friedrich K. Wanek. Included: I. Fortune plango vulnera, II. In trutina, III. Tanz, IV. Amor Volat undique, V. In taberna.
Excerpts, especially the opening and finale number O Fortuna, have been widely used in numerous movie trailers and in various other commercials. Portions also appear as background music in the films " Excalibur" and " The Doors", and sampled in the CD Screen Behind the Mirror by Enigma.
3 Could you look for the words of this song and try to translate them in your language?
In taberna quando sumus,
non curamus quid sit humus,
sed ad ludum properamus,
cui semper insudamus.
Quid agatur in taberna
ubi nummus est pincerna,
hoc est opus ut queratur,
si quid loquar, audiatur.
Quidam ludunt, quidam bibunt,
quidam indiscrete vivunt.
Sed in ludo qui morantur,
ex his quidam denudantur
quidam ibi vestiuntur,
quidam saccis induuntur.
Ibi nullus timet mortem
sed pro Baccho mittunt sortem.
Primo pro nummata vini,
ex hac bibunt libertini;
semel bibunt pro captivis,
post hec bibunt ter pro vivis,
quater pro Christianis cunctis
quinquies pro fidelibus defunctis,
sexies pro sororibus vanis,
septies pro militibus silvanis.
Octies pro fratribus perversis,
nonies pro monachis dispersis,
decies pro navigantibus
undecies pro discordantibus,
duodecies pro penitentibus,
tredecies pro iter agentibus.
Tam pro papa quam pro rege
bibunt omnes sine lege.
Bibit hera, bibit herus,
bibit miles, bibit clerus,
bibit ille, bibit illa,
bibit servus cum ancilla,
bibit velox, bibit piger,
bibit albus, bibit niger,
bibit constans, bibit vagus,
bibit rudis, bibit magus.
Bibit pauper et egrotus,
bibit exul et ignotus,
bibit puer, bibit canus,
bibit presul et decanus,
bibit soror, bibit frater,
bibit anus, bibit mater,
bibit ista, bibit ille,
bibunt centum, bibunt mille.
Parum sexcente nummate
durant, cum immoderate
bibunt omnes sine meta.
Quamvis bibant mente leta,
sic nos rodunt omnes gentes
et sic erimus egentes.
Qui nos rodunt confundantur
et cum iustis non scribantur.
Cuando estamos en la taberna
nos despreocupamos del mundo,
nos entregamos al juego
y por él siempre sudamos.
La cuestión es ésta: que se pregunte
qué se hace en la taberna
donde el dinero es camarero,
escúchese lo que digo.
Unos juegan, otros beben,
otros de forma indiscreta viven.
Pero de los que se dedican a jugar
unos allí pierden su ropa,
otros consiguen vestirse,
otros se visten con saco.
Nadie allí teme a la muerte
y por Baco tientan la suerte.
Monedas para la primera copa de vino,
de ella bebe el libertino,
beben la segunda por los cautivos,
despues de éstas la tercera por los vivos,
la cuarta por todos los cristianos,
la quinta por los fieles difuntos,
la sexta por las monjas casquivanas,
la septima por los soldados silvanos,
la octava por los frailes perversos,
la novena por los monjes dispersos,
la décima por los navegantes,
la undécima por los discordantes,
La duodécima por los penitentes,
la decimotercera por los los caminantes.
Tanto por el papa como por el rey
beben ya todos sin ley.
Beben la dueña y el dueño,
bebe el soldado, bebe el religioso,
bebe el hombre, bebe la mujer,
bebe el siervo con la criada,
bebe el rápido y el lento,
bebe el blanco, bebe el negro
bebe el constante, bebe el vago,
bebe el campesino, bebe el mago.
Bebe el pobre y el doliente,
bebe el desterrado y el ignorado,
bebe el joven, bebe el viejo,
beben el prelado y el decano.
Bebe la herrmana, bebe el hermano,
bebe la vieja, bebe la madre,
bebe ella, bebe él,
beben ciento, beben mil.
Poco duran seiscientas monedas
cuando se bebe sin moderación.
Beben todos sin final, aunque
beban con mente alegre.
Así nos fastidian todas las gentes
y así seremos pobres.
Que los que nos fastidian se vean
confundidos y no sean tenidos por justos.
4 What's their meaning?
It describes the atmosphere of a tavern of the time with people risking even the clothes they wear, carefree life's problems and making humorous toast to all social classes, ending dicendo they do what they like and stop others from getting in their lives and their way of sharing their leisure.
5 Do you know other similar songs (carmina)?
Carmina amatoria poem 56
Ianus annum circinat,
ver estatem nuntiat
calcat Phebus ungula,
dum in Taurum flectitur,
Arietis repagula.
Amor cuncta superat,
Amor dura terebrat.
Procul sint omnia
sollemnizent Veneris gymnasia!
decet iocundari,
quos militare contigit
Dioneo lari.
Amor cuncta superat,
Amor dura terebrat.
Dum alumnus Palladis
Cytheree scolam
introissem, inter multas
bene cultas
vidi unam solam
ac Veneri
plenam elegantie
et magis pudibundam.
Amor cuncta superat,
Amor dura terebrat.
Differentem omnibus
amo differenter.
novus ignis in me furit
et adurit
nulla magis nobilis,
pulchra vel amabilis,
nulla minus mobilis,
infronita reperitur
vel fide mutabilis.
eius letum vivere
est meum delectari.
diligi si merear,
hoc meum est beari.
Vincit Amor omnia,
regit Amor omnia.
Parce, puer, puero!
fave, Venus, tenero,
ignem movens,
ignem fovens,
ne mori sit, quod vixero,
nec sit ut Daphnes Phebo,
cui me ipsum dedo!
olim tiro Palladis
nunc tuo iuri cedo.
Vincit Amor omnia,
regit Amor omnia.
Carmina potoria 187
O curas hominum,
quos curat curia!
o quorum studia
non habent terminum!
talium si fidem
Pylades Atridem;
alter enim Theseus
suum fastidit Thesea,
ubi regnat Proteus
et Fati ludit alea.
Ab aula principis,
si nichil habeas,
oportet abeas.
spem vanam concipis,
tenuis fortuna.
ad commoda
omnium mens una:
a quo nil emungitur,
opus perdit et operam;
quod «habenti dabitur»,
tenent omnes ad litteram.
In levum vertitur
censure levitas.
fracta severitas
danti reimttitur.
explicas decreta
ad libitum,
si sonitum
dederit moneta.
plenis ere sacculis
rei pena diluitur.
locum dic a loculis,
unde locus si queritur.
Honorum titulis
carens ambitio
cum ficto gaudio
pretendit singulis
osculum amoris;
sed eminet,
cum obtinet
baculum pastoris.
quos mens intus clauserat,
mores ostentat libere;
quod occultum fuerat,
verbo prodit et opere.
Indignos allici
verbis alliciunt,
dolose capiunt
nummosos aulici;
sed hi, quos invadunt,
per retia
similes evadunt.
donum Sancti Spiritus
sic venit iam Simonibus.
conformatur penitus,
si danda fides canibus.
Mystery 2
1 Angelo Branduardi is singing a song which presents some words of a famous carmen, written by an important Latin poet. Which is it?
Catullo, - Poem 5.1
2 Look for the words of this carmen and translate it in your language. Then give a short explanation using also some pictures
Ille mi par... esse deo videtur
Ille si fas... est superare divos
Ille mi par
par esse deo videtur.
Ille si fas
est superare divos.
Sedens adversus identidem
te spectat et audit
dulce ridentem
misero quod omnis
eripit sensus mihi...
Nam simul te
te Lesbia aspexi
nihil est super mihi
tum quoque vocis
lingua sed torpet...
Tenuis sub artus
fiamma demanat
sonitu suopte...
Par esse deo videtur...
Tintinnant aures
gemina teguntur
lumina nocte.
Mi pare un dio quello che siede accanto a te.
occhi negli occhi, dolcemente tu ridi...
Ed io mi sento morire, se ti guardo io,
al mio cuore la voce manca...
Aquél me parece ser un dios,
Aquél, si no es una impiedad,
Me parece superar a lo dioses,
El que, sentado frente a vos, constantemente
Te observa y escucha tu dulce reír.
Miserable, esto desgarra todos mis sentidos,
Pues tan pronto como te veo, Lesbia,
Nada resta de mí.
La lengua se entorpece,
Una tenue llama fluye por debajo de los miembros,
Los oídos tintinean con su propio sonido,
Las lámparas gemelas de mi rostro se cubren con noche.
El ocio, Catulo, te molesta,
Con el ocio te regocijas y te alegras demasiado:
El ocio, otrora, perdió a reyes y prósperas ciudades.

Catullus is burning with anger at the sight of Lesbia with her husband, and he invades a deep malaise.
3 Do you know which Greek poem is related with this? Look for it and try to compare the two poems.
Safo, 1.2
φάινεταί μοι κῆνοσ ἴσοσ τηέοισιν
ἔμμεν ὤνερ ὄστισ ἐναντίοσ τοι
ἰζάνει καὶ πλασίον ἀδυ
φωνεύσασ ὐπακούει
καὶ γαλαίσασ ἰμμερόεν τὸ δὴ ᾽μάν
καρδίαν ἐν στήθεσιν ἐπτόασεν,
ὠσ γὰρ εὔιδον βροχέωσ σε, φώνασ
οὐδὲν ἔτ᾽ ἔικει,
ἀλλὰ κάμ μὲν γλῳσσα ϝέαγε, λέπτον
δ᾽ αὔτικα χρῷ πῦρ ὐπαδεδρόμακεν,
ὀππάτεσσι δ᾽ οὐδὲν ορημ᾽,
ἐπιρρόμβεισι δ᾽ ἄκουαι.
ἀ δέ μ᾽ ί᾽δρωσ κακχέεται, τρόμοσ δὲ
παῖσαν ἄγρει χλωροτέρα δὲ ποίασ
ἔμμι, τεθνάκην δ᾽ ὀλιγω ᾽πιδεύϝην
φαίνομαι [ἄλλα].
πᾶν τόλματον [......]
That one seems to me the equal of the gods, who sits in thy presence and hears near him thy sweet voice and lovely laughter; that indeed makes my heart beat fast in my bosom. For when I see thee even a little I am bereft of utterance, my tongue is useless and at once a subtle fire races under my skin, my eyes see nothing, my ears ring, sweat pours forth and all my body is seized with trembling. I am paler than [dried] grass and seem in my madness little better than dead, but I must dare all ...
Wednesday, March 24, 2010

In the Greek mythology, Atenea or Athena (in attic.Ἀθηνᾶ Athênã o en jónico Ἀθήνη Athếnê; en dórico Ἀσάνα Asána) es la diosa de la sabiduría, la estrategia y la guerra justa. She was considered to be a mentora heroes' and adored from the Antiquity as mistress of Athens, where the Partenón was constructed to adore her. It was associated by the Etruscans by his(her,your) goddess Menrva, and later by the Romans by Minerva.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Monday, March 22, 2010

Gemma Franco García
Sephora is a combination of "sephos", which is Greek for "beauty" and the Greek form of Tzipporah (ציפורה), which means "bird" (female)in Hebrew, and was the name of the wife of Moses in the Book of Exedus. The Sephora logo is a vertically elongated flame against a black background.
Audi comes from the translation of the German name of August Horch,
car designer, into Latin, meaning "listening".
car designer, into Latin, meaning "listening".
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Friday, March 19, 2010
Snowy cream.
Mª del Rocío Cabzudo Paredes.

Nivea(Snowy) he is a company of cosmetic products founded by the businessman Oscar Troplovitz, the chemist Isaac Lifschütz and the dermatologist Paul Gerson Unna - inventors of the first moisturizing cream of the history - in 1911. It is a great brand(mark) throughout the world dedicated for the attention of the skin(leather) and the body. The owner of the company, Oskar Troplowitz, gave the name of Snowy, of the Latin word niveus / snowy / niveum (it(he,she) is to say, "níveo/-a": of white color like the snow).

Nivea(Snowy) he is a company of cosmetic products founded by the businessman Oscar Troplovitz, the chemist Isaac Lifschütz and the dermatologist Paul Gerson Unna - inventors of the first moisturizing cream of the history - in 1911. It is a great brand(mark) throughout the world dedicated for the attention of the skin(leather) and the body. The owner of the company, Oskar Troplowitz, gave the name of Snowy, of the Latin word niveus / snowy / niveum (it(he,she) is to say, "níveo/-a": of white color like the snow).
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Ancient musical instruments
If you want to listen to ancient musical instrument, please visite the webpage of the Archeological Museum of Tarentum:
Tarentum: doric temple

The Doric Temple of Poseidon is the oldest place of worship of the Magna Greece, and it can be seen surrounded by a fence in Piazza Castello, in front of the entrance to the Castello Aragonese, and just outside the old city.
What remains of the ancient Greek temple, are two columns of the Doric order and a base with three rocks dating from the early fifth century BC.
The attribution of the temple for worship of Poseidon was given by the archaeologist Luigi Viola, but we can not exclude the worship of female deities such as Artemis, Hera or Persephone.
from Giorgia and Alessandra P.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Solutions of second enigma
Hello our names are Mariano and Daniel
Enigma 1
No dead man may be cremated nor buried in the City
It means the Twelve Tables and is in the city of Rome
Loculus is a Latin word literally meaning little place and was used in a number of senses including to indicate a satchel
Cubiculum: an underground burial chamber in Imperial Rome, such as those found in the catacombs
An arcosolium is an arched recess used as a place of entombment.
Lucernarium: Each of the openings in the ceiling provided light in the catacombs to the ambulatory.
Criptae: a crypt is a chamber of rock, typically under the floor of a church
Enigma 3
Lara founds in the catacombs of Rome
Kriophoroi and "The Good Shepherd"
"Christ, the Good Shepherd",[9] illustrating the pericope in the Gospel of John, and also the second-century Christian literary work The Shepherd of Hermas
The Good Shepherd is a common motif from the Catacombs of Rome (Gardner, 10, fig 54) and in sarcophagus reliefs, where Christian and pagan symbolism is often combined, making secure identifications difficult. The theme does appear in the wall-paintings of the baptistery of the house-church at Dura-Europos before 256 CE, and more familiarly in sixth-century Christian mosaics, as in the Mausoleum of Galla Placidia at Ravenna, and there is a famous free-standing sculpture, said to be of about 300AD, and made for a Christian, in the Vatican Museums.
Enigma 1
No dead man may be cremated nor buried in the City
It means the Twelve Tables and is in the city of Rome
Loculus is a Latin word literally meaning little place and was used in a number of senses including to indicate a satchel
Cubiculum: an underground burial chamber in Imperial Rome, such as those found in the catacombs
An arcosolium is an arched recess used as a place of entombment.
Lucernarium: Each of the openings in the ceiling provided light in the catacombs to the ambulatory.
Criptae: a crypt is a chamber of rock, typically under the floor of a church
Enigma 3
Lara founds in the catacombs of Rome
Kriophoroi and "The Good Shepherd"
"Christ, the Good Shepherd",[9] illustrating the pericope in the Gospel of John, and also the second-century Christian literary work The Shepherd of Hermas
The Good Shepherd is a common motif from the Catacombs of Rome (Gardner, 10, fig 54) and in sarcophagus reliefs, where Christian and pagan symbolism is often combined, making secure identifications difficult. The theme does appear in the wall-paintings of the baptistery of the house-church at Dura-Europos before 256 CE, and more familiarly in sixth-century Christian mosaics, as in the Mausoleum of Galla Placidia at Ravenna, and there is a famous free-standing sculpture, said to be of about 300AD, and made for a Christian, in the Vatican Museums.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Friday, March 12, 2010
Penelope, by Nanni Svampa
The Italian singer Nanni Svampa has dedicated a song to Penelope. He wonders if women like Penelope have never dreamed a different life, witing for their husband's return at home ...
Here are the words of the song Penelope, by Nanni Svampa (original text and music are by G. Brassens):
Tu, la sposa modello, l'angelo del focolare,
tu che conservi intatto il tuo velo nuziale,
tu la Penelope virtuosa,
fedele all'uomo che un giorno t'ha sposato
dì, non hai mai per caso nemmeno accarezzato
qualche idea licenziosa?
qualche idea licenziosa?
Sola nel tuo salotto, in dolce prigionia,
mentre attendi il tuo Ulisse di periferia,
ricami la tovaglia nuova.
Le sere d'incertezza e malinconia
dì, non hai mai sognato di volare via
verso una fantastica alcova?
verso una fantastica alcova?
Dì, non hai mai neppure almeno desiderato
la passioncella folle che fa mancare il fiato,
che canta frivole canzoni,
che nell'orto di casa posa la margherita,
sui rami la mela proibita
e ti fa scordar le stagioni?
e ti fa scordar le stagioni?
Dì, non hai mai voluto lasciarti colpire
dal perfido Cupido che i cuori sa ferire
con l'arco fatale più antico,
che alle statue più fredde dona vita e calore,
ne insidia la virtù da esperto seduttore,
ne strappa la foglia di fico?
ne strappa la foglia di fico?
No, non temer che in cielo questo pesi sul conto,
non è per così poco che un'anima va a fondo
se da un fremito è colta.
E' la colpa comune ed è un peccato lieve,
è la faccia nascosta della luna di miele:
Penelope si è riscattata,
Penelope si è riscattata.
Here are the words of the song Penelope, by Nanni Svampa (original text and music are by G. Brassens):
Tu, la sposa modello, l'angelo del focolare,
tu che conservi intatto il tuo velo nuziale,
tu la Penelope virtuosa,
fedele all'uomo che un giorno t'ha sposato
dì, non hai mai per caso nemmeno accarezzato
qualche idea licenziosa?
qualche idea licenziosa?
Sola nel tuo salotto, in dolce prigionia,
mentre attendi il tuo Ulisse di periferia,
ricami la tovaglia nuova.
Le sere d'incertezza e malinconia
dì, non hai mai sognato di volare via
verso una fantastica alcova?
verso una fantastica alcova?
Dì, non hai mai neppure almeno desiderato
la passioncella folle che fa mancare il fiato,
che canta frivole canzoni,
che nell'orto di casa posa la margherita,
sui rami la mela proibita
e ti fa scordar le stagioni?
e ti fa scordar le stagioni?
Dì, non hai mai voluto lasciarti colpire
dal perfido Cupido che i cuori sa ferire
con l'arco fatale più antico,
che alle statue più fredde dona vita e calore,
ne insidia la virtù da esperto seduttore,
ne strappa la foglia di fico?
ne strappa la foglia di fico?
No, non temer che in cielo questo pesi sul conto,
non è per così poco che un'anima va a fondo
se da un fremito è colta.
E' la colpa comune ed è un peccato lieve,
è la faccia nascosta della luna di miele:
Penelope si è riscattata,
Penelope si è riscattata.

What scares you? (Mistery about Myths, from ies Cotes Baixes).
According to the Greek mythology, the basilisk was the most hazardous animal who had existed ever.
His name comes from the word Greek basileus, which means king, and in fact it also is known as the "King of the snakes". It's said that this being was born from a snake egg that was hatched by a cock and a result of that, he seems a cock with a snake tail.
On the other habnd, there are other people who describe the basilisk as a snake with horns.
Furthermore, some people think that because he was born of a snake egg wich was laid by a cock and also hatched by a toad, he has got a head cock, toad body and snake tail.
However, whatever it was its exactly apparence, the truth is that this animal shares physical features of the cock and the snake, but perhaps what we should take into account is that it can hurt several species including humans using its evil look.
-People recognize three kinds of basilisks, all of them equaly lethal:
1) The gold basilisk is able to murder with its poison.
2) The basilisk with an eye in the middle of its forehead.
3) The basilisk whose sting can make people's flesh fall apart.
-The basilsk lives at deserts; moreover its breth can get dry whatever place where it walks. It would be immortal if it hadn't got a little weakness which comes from its powers: its dangerous look when a basilisk looks at itself in a mirror, it falls over immediatly and then it dies. Fortunately man has taken advantage of its weakness to kill it. Another weakness used by man against the basilisk consists of throwing some weasels into its hiding holes since they are the basilisks's foes. It's also said the basilisk could die when it listened to the cock's song.
We are Clara and Nuria, and the mistery is a little difficult ,because We don't know latin and what more difficult the Greek/Latin Myth about "Buon pastore" because we didn't know where to start looking.But the others question have ben easy.
The solutions about the mistery are;
Is in English ;
"Not bury or burn any man in the city ".
And in Spanish ;
"Que no se entierre ni queme cadaver en la ciudad "
2)We also translate these terms :
In English
A. loculus,Cell
B. cubiculum,Small bedroom o the Roman house
C. arcosolium,Sepulchre,it found in Roman catacombs
D. lucernarius,Torch
E. cryptae,Crypt
In Spanish
A. loculus,Celda
B. cubiculum,Pequeño dormitorio de la casas romana
C. arcosolium,Sepulcro que se encuentra en las catacumbas romanas
D. lucernarius,Antorcha
E. cryptae,Cripta
3)The place where Lara croft spend her time is in catacombs of Rome.
The catacombs are underground tunnels that seem labyrinths .
4)The myth of the Good Shepherd("Boun pastore"),Is an image seem of the popular pagan Greek, Hermes (Olympian god), called also"Crioforos".Hermes is a pastoral divinity represented sometimes with a lamb,If he represents is the offerings.

Or also seem the legend of the goat Amalthea (that Zeus was feeding).The myth tells that Almathea puts a child of a tree in order that his father shouldn't find neither in the land, in the sea and in the sky.
The solutions about the mistery are;
Is in English ;
"Not bury or burn any man in the city ".
And in Spanish ;
"Que no se entierre ni queme cadaver en la ciudad "
2)We also translate these terms :
In English
A. loculus,Cell
B. cubiculum,Small bedroom o the Roman house
C. arcosolium,Sepulchre,it found in Roman catacombs
D. lucernarius,Torch
E. cryptae,Crypt
In Spanish
A. loculus,Celda
B. cubiculum,Pequeño dormitorio de la casas romana
C. arcosolium,Sepulcro que se encuentra en las catacumbas romanas
D. lucernarius,Antorcha
E. cryptae,Cripta





3)The place where Lara croft spend her time is in catacombs of Rome.
The catacombs are underground tunnels that seem labyrinths .
4)The myth of the Good Shepherd("Boun pastore"),Is an image seem of the popular pagan Greek, Hermes (Olympian god), called also"Crioforos".Hermes is a pastoral divinity represented sometimes with a lamb,If he represents is the offerings.

Or also seem the legend of the goat Amalthea (that Zeus was feeding).The myth tells that Almathea puts a child of a tree in order that his father shouldn't find neither in the land, in the sea and in the sky.

Thursday, March 11, 2010
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
entrada sur del Castillo de Medellín
La localidad de Medellín se encuentra en la comarca de Vegas Altas del Guadiana, en el centro de Extremadura. Debido a su situación estratégica y la riqueza agrícola de sus tierras fue un punto clave para romanos, visigodos, árabes y cristianos, que fueron dejando a lo largo del tiempo su impronta en la ciudad y sus alrededores.
Los orígenes de la villa de Medellín se remontan a época romana. Parece que fue fundada por el cónsul Quintus Caecilius Metellus Pius unos 79 años antes de Cristo. En honor a su fundador recibirá su primera denominación Metellinum.
by:Enara Hdez
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Sweet Aphrodite
Dulce afrodita has pasado a ser mortal,
has empeñado tus encantos en el mar.
El velo eterno del amor espiritual
se ha convertido en un abismo terrenal.
Cuando lo dejas pasar
vuelves a respirar
No hay nadie que puedas amar
que no puedas dejar,
nadie que puedas amar
que no puedas dejar
de amaaaaaar...
Dulce afrodita no te puedes engañar,
es el invierno que no puedes escapar.
Lo que quisimos lo perdimos al final
como reflejos de un atardecer fugaz.
Cuando lo dejas pasar,
vuelves a respirar.
No hay nadie que puedas amar
que no puedas dejar,
nadie que puedas amar
que no puedas dejar...
de amaaaaar...
Nadie que puedas amar
que no puedas dejar.
has empeñado tus encantos en el mar.
El velo eterno del amor espiritual
se ha convertido en un abismo terrenal.
Cuando lo dejas pasar
vuelves a respirar
No hay nadie que puedas amar
que no puedas dejar,
nadie que puedas amar
que no puedas dejar
de amaaaaaar...
Dulce afrodita no te puedes engañar,
es el invierno que no puedes escapar.
Lo que quisimos lo perdimos al final
como reflejos de un atardecer fugaz.
Cuando lo dejas pasar,
vuelves a respirar.
No hay nadie que puedas amar
que no puedas dejar,
nadie que puedas amar
que no puedas dejar...
de amaaaaar...
Nadie que puedas amar
que no puedas dejar.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
A new aenigma to solve for ...
Friday, March 5, 2010
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Sculpture of marble realized by Bernini between 1615 and 1616. It measures 45 cm of height and remains in the Galleria Borghese, Rome.

The Borghese Gallery is an art gallery in Rome, Italy, housed in the former Villa Borghese Pinciana, a building that was from the first integral with its gardens, nowadays considered quite separately by tourists as the Villa Borghese gardens.
In Greek mythology, Amalthea or Amaltheia is the most often mentioned among foster-mothers of Zeus. Her name in Greek is clearly an epithet, signifying the presence of an earlier nurturing goddess, whom the Hellenes, whose myths we know, knew to be located in Crete, where Minoans may have called her a version of "Dikte". Amalthea is sometimes represented as the goat who suckled the infant-god in a cave in Cretan Mount Aigaion ("Goat Mountain"), sometimes as a goat-tending nymph of uncertain parentage (the daughter of Oceanus, Haemonius, Olenos, or - according to Lactantius — Melisseus), who brought him up on the milk of her goat. Having multiple and uncertain mythological parents, indicates wide worship of a deity in many cultures having varying local traditions. Amalthea becomes blurred with Adamanthea at times.
In the mythology, Capricorn is associated often with the mythological figure of the goat Amaltea, which nursed and raised Zeus in the island of Crete to hide it from Stopwatches, his father, who was devouring his children. When Zeus, already adult, fought against the Titans, an armor was made by the skin of this mythical goat, which would turn into the Aegis, Zeus's shield forged by Hefesto, god of the fire. First Zeus donated this shield to Apollo, and then to his daughter Atenea, goddess of the war.

Amalthea also is a company that is employed at consultancy, engineering and softtware.
This one is his page:

Sculpture of marble realized by Bernini between 1615 and 1616. It measures 45 cm of height and remains in the Galleria Borghese, Rome.

The Borghese Gallery is an art gallery in Rome, Italy, housed in the former Villa Borghese Pinciana, a building that was from the first integral with its gardens, nowadays considered quite separately by tourists as the Villa Borghese gardens.
In Greek mythology, Amalthea or Amaltheia is the most often mentioned among foster-mothers of Zeus. Her name in Greek is clearly an epithet, signifying the presence of an earlier nurturing goddess, whom the Hellenes, whose myths we know, knew to be located in Crete, where Minoans may have called her a version of "Dikte". Amalthea is sometimes represented as the goat who suckled the infant-god in a cave in Cretan Mount Aigaion ("Goat Mountain"), sometimes as a goat-tending nymph of uncertain parentage (the daughter of Oceanus, Haemonius, Olenos, or - according to Lactantius — Melisseus), who brought him up on the milk of her goat. Having multiple and uncertain mythological parents, indicates wide worship of a deity in many cultures having varying local traditions. Amalthea becomes blurred with Adamanthea at times.
In the mythology, Capricorn is associated often with the mythological figure of the goat Amaltea, which nursed and raised Zeus in the island of Crete to hide it from Stopwatches, his father, who was devouring his children. When Zeus, already adult, fought against the Titans, an armor was made by the skin of this mythical goat, which would turn into the Aegis, Zeus's shield forged by Hefesto, god of the fire. First Zeus donated this shield to Apollo, and then to his daughter Atenea, goddess of the war.

Amalthea also is a company that is employed at consultancy, engineering and softtware.
This one is his page:
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
The mystery of the goat Amalthea
How are you!
I`m Paula, I am going to solve the mistery number 4.OK! let`s go!
This sculpture is the goat Amaltea.The author is Bernini.
And this sculpture is in museum louvre(Paris).
The myth of the statue is:
Amalthea was the nurse of Zeus. The mother took her son Zeus to Mount Ida because his father wanted to kill.At Mount Amalthea care and food for the baby goat's milk. One day the goat he broke one of his horns and filled with flowers amaltea horns. Amalthea brought the goat next to Zeus, and this led her to turn the stars into a constellation Capricorn. The horn was a symbol of wealth and abundance.

In Conclusion:
The term "horn of Zeus" is applied in a fertile region and a property called "Amaltheum. In the various Greek coins depicting Zeus was suckled by the goat, and showed him carried in the arms of a nymph.
With the name "amaltea" I have a suggestion for the name of a shop. For example, can be the name of a clothing store or women's shoes, because I think a female name.
How are you!
I`m Paula, I am going to solve the mistery number 4.OK! let`s go!
This sculpture is the goat Amaltea.The author is Bernini.
And this sculpture is in museum louvre(Paris).
The myth of the statue is:
Amalthea was the nurse of Zeus. The mother took her son Zeus to Mount Ida because his father wanted to kill.At Mount Amalthea care and food for the baby goat's milk. One day the goat he broke one of his horns and filled with flowers amaltea horns. Amalthea brought the goat next to Zeus, and this led her to turn the stars into a constellation Capricorn. The horn was a symbol of wealth and abundance.

In Conclusion:
The term "horn of Zeus" is applied in a fertile region and a property called "Amaltheum. In the various Greek coins depicting Zeus was suckled by the goat, and showed him carried in the arms of a nymph.
With the name "amaltea" I have a suggestion for the name of a shop. For example, can be the name of a clothing store or women's shoes, because I think a female name.
My favourite fairy
Hi ! I´m Aranza and I'll give you the answers to the mystery number 8 =)
I´m going to analize the six fairies of the animated cartoons knowed as the Winx.
* What are the names of the six female protagonists?
* Their names are: Bloom, Flora, Stella, Musa, Tecna and Layla.
* Why are they so called? Which are their atributs and fantastic powers?
FLORA: Being a lover of plants and nature, her room resembles a greenhouse. She has the power of nature

MUSA: In the Greek mitology is the muse of dance. She is depicted with a stringed musical instrument: a viola or a lyre.

STELLA: I am not sure the powers of stella and I find no reference

TECNA: Tecna is always logical and rational and had trouble expressing her emotions. Used to speaking with technical and intellectual conversation. She's smart and very skilled in technology and mathematics subjects.
BLOOM: I think the powers are fire, I´m not sure

LAYLA: seems like name is of Egyptian origin, meaning born at night.
and his skin is dark

* I think there are some criatures and characters related with greek mythology, isn’t it? Can you find them? In which way do you think they’ve already changed from their original features?
* There are some mythological characters such as:

Centaurs-->Centaurs Beings are half man and half horse living in wild nature, they feed on raw meat and hunt their prey with sticks and stones.

I´m going to analize the six fairies of the animated cartoons knowed as the Winx.
* What are the names of the six female protagonists?
* Their names are: Bloom, Flora, Stella, Musa, Tecna and Layla.
* Why are they so called? Which are their atributs and fantastic powers?
FLORA: Being a lover of plants and nature, her room resembles a greenhouse. She has the power of nature

MUSA: In the Greek mitology is the muse of dance. She is depicted with a stringed musical instrument: a viola or a lyre.

STELLA: I am not sure the powers of stella and I find no reference

TECNA: Tecna is always logical and rational and had trouble expressing her emotions. Used to speaking with technical and intellectual conversation. She's smart and very skilled in technology and mathematics subjects.

BLOOM: I think the powers are fire, I´m not sure

LAYLA: seems like name is of Egyptian origin, meaning born at night.
and his skin is dark

* I think there are some criatures and characters related with greek mythology, isn’t it? Can you find them? In which way do you think they’ve already changed from their original features?
* There are some mythological characters such as:
the sirens--> that hypnotized people with their songs.the characteristics of the sirens in Greek mythology is similar to the sirens of the cartoons. The difference is that the sirens winx cast eye rays

Centaurs-->Centaurs Beings are half man and half horse living in wild nature, they feed on raw meat and hunt their prey with sticks and stones.
Compared to the ancient greek mythology, there is a difference between the centaur that appears in the series and the wellknowed centaur Chiron, the first was bad and the second was good.The Centaurs are best known for their fight with the Lapithae, caused by their attempt to carry off Hippodamia and the rest of the Lapith women, on the day of her marriage to Pirithous, king of the Lapithae, himself the son of Ixion. The strife among these cousins is a metaphor for the conflict between the lower appetites and civilized behavior in humankind.

the unicorn--> is a mythical animal protagonist of many stories and legends. In the Middle Ages was considered a fabulous animal that can defeat an elephant. Furthermore, it was said that with its single horn could purify contaminated water to make them drinkable.mixture over the goat Amalthea Mythological Pegasus led the unicorn

* Choose one of the legendary characters and make your own modern version. Tell me a little bit about her or his. You can write it, paint it or film the new story in order to publish it in my planet.
I´m not going to do this. I´m going to writte the begining of a history. I want you to continue it. I tell you later, don´t worry ! ! !
Monday, March 1, 2010
Aqueduct of Miracles (Mérida)

The aqueduct of the Miracles was one of the conductions that, in Roman epoch, were giving water to the city of Emeritus August .
The above mentioned aqueduct had as principal function give water to the side West of the city. The point of water captation or caput aquae it was placing in Proserpina's reservoir from where there was born a conduction that was winding along almost 12 kilometres.
As for the section in the one that one had to appeal to the construction of series of arches, these lengthen 830 meters, with a height of 25 meters in the deepest part of the valley of the river Albarregas.
It consists of robust, but elegant props, in which they alternate five rows of ashlars of granite with some other rows of brick. Arches to different heights are connecting the props, which core is of opus caementicium. The arches of link are of brick, except which it saves the riverbed of the river Albarregas, which has the very well worn out dovelas of granite. They are still 73 the props that they have remained more or less spoilt.
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