Saturday, February 27, 2010
Hi everybody!
Spanish fellows from Montijo have fast solved misteries about language! You can see their answers and my comment too. So, let's add something more about misteries three and four! Mistery five can be considered solved, but do you all have the same solution?
Thank you,
P.S. But I was wondering why Oidipus had to solve the Sphinx's aenigma and what she asked him ...
Spanish fellows from Montijo have fast solved misteries about language! You can see their answers and my comment too. So, let's add something more about misteries three and four! Mistery five can be considered solved, but do you all have the same solution?
Thank you,
P.S. But I was wondering why Oidipus had to solve the Sphinx's aenigma and what she asked him ...
Friday, February 26, 2010
Adeste Fideles: Do you like karaoking?
You can sing this beautiful song...and even translate into your own language!
4ºEso resolved these misteries:
Mistery one
Well, the mistery have to do with guessing because the sphinx was a creature
that had terrorized the kingdom of Thebes as performed riddles and if s
somebody didn't guess the enigma sphinx killed him. And Oedipus guessed
riddles and made her to suicide by jumping into the void.
Mistery three
Mistery four
They looked like white oxen plowed the fields and they had a plow, sow seeds black and white.
* That seems to be poorly written in Latin, yet are written in Italian.
Mistery five
Sapiens sugit sanguinem sapientiae sane sugerendus est sanguasucco venarum

The House of the Amphitheatre
Out of The enclosure of the theatre and the amphitheatre, to scantily a few meters of the latter, of which it(he,she) takes his(her,your) name, they find the remains of a few possible Roman mansions, that of the Amphitheatre and that of the Tower of the Water, dated in the IIIrd and IVth century, and whose(which) excavations are continued for years.
Some linens remain between(among) the dependences of these pictorial mansions of great quality, as well as the pavement musivo with an excellent representation of the goddess Venus with Eros, and other one with a scene of vintage.
Of importance they are also the thermal dependences, wells, ovens, kitchens(cuisines), peristyles, conductions(drivings) of water, landscaped zones, remains of the wall, as well as a section of aqueduct.
Later this zone was used as necropolis from the 5th century.
Summer schedule: from 9 to 13,45 hours(o'clock).
Winter schedule: from 9 to 13,45 and from 16 to 18,15 hours(o'clock).
Of importance they are also the thermal dependences, wells, ovens, kitchens(cuisines), peristyles, conductions(drivings) of water, landscaped zones, remains of the wall, as well as a section of aqueduct.
Later this zone was used as necropolis from the 5th century.
Summer schedule: from 9 to 13,45 hours(o'clock).
Winter schedule: from 9 to 13,45 and from 16 to 18,15 hours(o'clock).
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Castra Cecilia, Roman camp

Castra Cecilia was a permanent Roman camp, also known as "Cáceres el Viejo ", located about 2.5 km northeast of the city of Caceres, on the road to Torrejon el Rubio, a member of the Republican era (circa 78 BC C.), according to his own denomination would be funded by Caecilia Metellus during the wars between Sertorius, and Metellus himself.
It was a rectangular enclosure, built near the river Almonte on a small elevation of 24 hectares (approximately 399 x 680 meters), rich and luxurious inside him 1 or 2 legions. Like all permanent camps, was surrounded by a wall four feet wide, formed by two masonry walls erected in slate and quartzite. His defensive system was completed with two pits dug into the slate floor around him. The innermost had a V-shaped section, four meters wide and two deep, the outside distance of 3.50 meters, was narrower (1.50 m) and shallower (0.70 m).
It was excavated in the early twentieth century by the German archaeologist Schulten. Currently, the architect and archaeologist Ramon Canas M. Luz Gonzalez, last to excavate the site, have determined the system accesses. On one hand, have re-excavated the Porta Praetoria, north (at the end of the road Pretoria), and the holder Principalis Sinistra, southwest (the experts have found that I had two quadrangular towers flank protection) and have cleared the Quintana portal to the east, which opened onto the path of the same name. This road crossed the camp, dividing it into two equal parts. The doors were more advanced trenches as added protection systems.
As Alba Plata project development of the Extremadura has opened in its interior, in an old farmhouse, an interpretive center with several units that show the lifestyle of its occupants, and a model of the camp, rooms , armor and a video about everyday life in it.
Some archaeologists believes that "Cáceres el Viejo" is really Castra Servilia, without actually agreeing on the issue since no one can say with certainty where the two were placed pointing vicus Pliny: Cecilia and Castra Castra Servilia, the less unless one of them was very near Norba Caesarina or what were its ruins (known by the name of Castris), so that the Arabs called it 'Qazrix' or 'Hizn Qazris', "Caceres Red", probably alluding to the color of its walls made from cob (rammed earth).
According to other authors Celtiberian there was a fort located in the Barrio Monumental current, which does correspond to Castra Servilia on which Cesarina Norba founded by Lucius Cornelius Balbus to the year 24 BC C.
On the outskirts of the city of Caceres and Aldea Moret are located quite 'Turris' or towers located on high places with the task of monitoring strategic locations such as roadways or private villas.

Laura Grande Germán
Friday, February 19, 2010

Lacimurga's ancient city, located in Cogolludo's hill, between(among) Navalvillar of Peels and Populates of Alcocer constitutes the most important reutilization of an accession prerromano in the zone. Test(proof) of this antiguedad is the necropolis of incineration recently discovered in the place in the one that was situated a golden earring dated in the S. IV-III B.C.
Placed in the right(straight) shore of the river The Guadiana, it(he,she) shows a strategic situation dominating one of the fords of the river The Guadiana and a natural important step, which, undoubtedly, served to contact Andalusia with the Plateau.
It(He,She) should have practised as urban principal center, a strong influence on the rural environment that was surrounding it. In this environment certain deposits have received documents as a great Roman villa, to approximately three Kilometres, upstream from Lacimurga, called The Little castles. It is a question of a rural establishment, that for his(her,your) structures, his(her,your) condition(state) of conservation and the presence of a rural temple or ninfeo dated in the S. The IVth B.C. and of a mausoleum, it(he,she) possesses characters that might define it like suburban.
Roman Aqueduct of Merida ^^

It arises from Proserpina's reservoir(damming), Roman work that possesses(relies on) a dike of 500 meters of length, and that was providing with water the Merida, after overcoming a tour of 9 kilometres, of which the beautiful aqueduct of the Miracles was forming a part.
His(Her,Your) structure, of approximately 800 meters of length, was composed by triple arcade on props(pillars) of hewn stone and brick of 25 meters of height, which overcomes the valley of the river or creek Albarregas and to finish in the warehouse(deposit) of water distribution, seated in the Hill of the Calvary already inside the city.
For the bridge of the river Albarregas, placed to the north of the city close to the aqueduct of the Miracles, the causeway was spending(passing) Route of the Silver. It(he,she) has a length of 125 ms. and a height of 6, 75 ms. It(he,she) possesses(relies on) four big arches and smaller other one. It(he,she) dates back to the 1st century.
It(He,She) calls of The Miracles because it seemed to the emeritenses to be miraculous that times and wars had never finished with this span of almost fifty props(pillars), still erect for amazement of the centuries.
Diana´s temple of Merida

It is one of the multiple constructions of the Roman Emeritus - august one, current Merida.
It is the only religious construction that remains in his(her,your) site(place) in Merida. It(he,she) dates back of the end of the S.I B.C. and is a building of great size, which, due to his(her,your) location in the Municipal Forum, must have shown great luxury and decoration. Possibly the temple was dedicated exclusively to the worship of the August Emperor, not to Reveille, as this way it is indicated by the sculptural located materials. These represent members of the imperial family, the same Divine Emperor and the Genius of the Senate.

His plant is rectangular, with a portico hexástilo - of six columns-, and surrounded with columns, períptero. These, of fluted shaft, Corinthians are crowned for capitéles. They were estucadas and painted with a red color of marble. Placed on a base or podium of 3 m. Of height, one was acceding to her(it) for a few stairs today missing.
His front orientated to the forum, was crowned by a fronton of semicircular interior supported by the six colunmas with the portico.It measures 40,70 m. Of length - with the stairs of access included - and 22 m. Of width.
It was the center of a sacred area that is surrounded by a peribolo or wall of delimiting of the exterior(foreign) space of this square(seat).
Also we have indications of a reservoir and channels, which close to the sculptural remains, give us idea of the religious importance of the temple.
The whole this construction made with ashlars and stones of granite.
Unfortunately, in the S. The XVIth I construct partly of his(her,your) location and using material of the temple, the palace of the Count of the Corbos, which degraded the condition of this magnificent monument.
Bridge of Alcantara
With 1900 years old, stands a majestic summit of the works of Roman civil engineering, the pride of Extremadura.

It is a magnificent piece of engineering and one of the most important bridges were built throughout the Roman Empire. He got between 105 and 106 d. of Christ, during the reign of Emperor Trajan in the way that elapsed between Norba (Cáceres) and Conimbriga (Condeixa-a-Velha).
David Concepción y Ana Silvero

It is a magnificent piece of engineering and one of the most important bridges were built throughout the Roman Empire. He got between 105 and 106 d. of Christ, during the reign of Emperor Trajan in the way that elapsed between Norba (Cáceres) and Conimbriga (Condeixa-a-Velha).
David Concepción y Ana Silvero
Talavera La Vieja
Talavera the Old woman is Augustobriga's former Roman city. The location and identification of Augustóbriga's Roman city has raised an important debate historiográfico. In spite of being mentioned in several classic sources(fountains) (Plinio, Ptolemy, the Itinerary of Antonino and the Rávena's Anonymous one), his(her,your) location has been for a long time(at length) controversial. Primeramente Ceán Bermúdez in 1832, she(it) was placed in the people(village) by native of Caceres of Village of the Stony one, attending to the inscription with Flavia Rufina's epitaph in which the name of the city was appearing.
The find in Talavera the Old woman of this epigraph who was mentioning the Senatus Populusque Augustobrigensis (C.I.L. 5346), published for F. Fita in 1887, allowed to relate this people(village) to the Roman Augustóbriga, opinion that Coello and Emil Hübner validated, in 1889 and 1892, respectively.
Roman theatre of merida

Construction more of the popular taste that the theatre, was inaugurated in 8 B.C. East building was destined for the fights between(among) gladiators, between(among) beasts or man-to-man and beasts.
It is a building formed(trained) by a central sand of elliptical form surrounded with a capable graderío for 15.000 divided spectators, as in the theatre in three zones. Of these three zones only the low one remains at present since two Superiors were used, after his(her,your) fall in disuse, as quarry for the adjacent constructions.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
"The temple of Diana in Merida" and "The Roman Theatre in Mérida"

"The temple of Diana in Merida"
It is the only religious building that remains in place in Merida. Dates from the S.I a.C. and is a large building which, due to its location due to flaunt luxury and decoration. Perhaps the temple was dedicated to the worship of the Emperor Augustus, not Diana, as well as sculptural materials indicate localized.
"Teatro Romano de Mérida"
"The Roman Theatre in Mérida"
It is a construction promoted by the consul Marcus Agrippa Vipsanius.
The theater has undergone several renovations, the most important in the late first century or early second century, possibly under Emperor Trajan, when he got up the current facade or front stage, and another between the time of Constantine 330s and 340, introducing new architectural elements, decorative and construct a road around the monument.
BY: Cristobal & ChemaTaker
Temple of Diana
Friday, February 12, 2010
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Ad pedem litterae
Ad pedem litterae
This Latinism means: "Al pie de la letra" (to literally).
Added a video of a program in Spain called "Al pie de la letra".
This Latinism means: "Al pie de la letra" (to literally).
Added a video of a program in Spain called "Al pie de la letra".
Monday, February 1, 2010
carpe diem
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