It is one of the multiple constructions of the Roman Emeritus - august one, current Merida.
It is the only religious construction that remains in his(her,your) site(place) in Merida. It(he,she) dates back of the end of the S.I B.C. and is a building of great size, which, due to his(her,your) location in the Municipal Forum, must have shown great luxury and decoration. Possibly the temple was dedicated exclusively to the worship of the August Emperor, not to Reveille, as this way it is indicated by the sculptural located materials. These represent members of the imperial family, the same Divine Emperor and the Genius of the Senate.

His plant is rectangular, with a portico hexástilo - of six columns-, and surrounded with columns, períptero. These, of fluted shaft, Corinthians are crowned for capitéles. They were estucadas and painted with a red color of marble. Placed on a base or podium of 3 m. Of height, one was acceding to her(it) for a few stairs today missing.
His front orientated to the forum, was crowned by a fronton of semicircular interior supported by the six colunmas with the portico.It measures 40,70 m. Of length - with the stairs of access included - and 22 m. Of width.
It was the center of a sacred area that is surrounded by a peribolo or wall of delimiting of the exterior(foreign) space of this square(seat).
Also we have indications of a reservoir and channels, which close to the sculptural remains, give us idea of the religious importance of the temple.
The whole this construction made with ashlars and stones of granite.
Unfortunately, in the S. The XVIth I construct partly of his(her,your) location and using material of the temple, the palace of the Count of the Corbos, which degraded the condition of this magnificent monument.
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